Kajal and Mahesh share a good relation off screen which seems to reflect on screen as well. Both as an actor and a person, he never takes his stardom for granted," said Kajal. Such is Mahesh's complete dedication to his craft. The rehearsals only added to the spontaneity. And yet when we shot it, it felt as fresh as the first time. And finally, we started shooting for it only after 1 pm. We actually started working on that scene at 8 am and continued rehearsing right upto 1 pm. I recall a particular scene in Brahmotsavam where we both had to play with paint with a lot of chemistry and mischief between us. "He's never lackadaisical about anything. Despite his long experience as an actor, he is more than happy to keep filming till he cans the perfect shot for the director," said Kajal. On sets, he is extremely hands on and gives inputs for the scene. I've seen the way he really pushes himself. He's constantly reinventing himself with a variety of roles and challenging himself, trying to outdo himself each time.
"He's a thorough professional and works very hard on himself. She praised her co-star Mahesh Babu and said that he works really hard. Kajal shot for a long schedule in Ooty and Hyderabad along with the cast of the film. I'm really glad to be playing a woman of such substance and strength," said Kajal. For the first time, I am playing such a strong character who is caught in a dilemma but goes with her priorities. " Brahmotsavam is my second film with Mahesh Babu and I play an NRI, who is very individualistic, independent and knows her priorities.
Kajal spoke about her co-star Mahesh Babu and why she identifies with the sentiments of the movie. The audio and trailer of the Telugu film Brahmotsavam has just released and Kajal is excited. Kajal is also balancing films with Jiiva and Chiyaan Vikram in Tamil. While Kajal is looking forward to Do Lafzon Ki Kahaani in Hindi, she is waiting for the release of the family drama Brahmotsavam in Telugu this month. Kajal Aggarwal is the vivacious and pretty heroine straddling the worlds of South Indian film industry as well as Bollywood with equal ease. Mahesh is a thorough professional and works very hard on himself: Kajal.
Kajal will also be seen in Telugu film Brahmotsavam with Mahesh Babuh Ba.In Bollywood, Kajal Aggarwal will soon be seen in Do Lafzon Ki Kahaani.