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The ownership of a technology and leadership in its applications move between organizations over time. Universities and start-up companies are becoming major sources of new innovations. They identify a way to meet needs.The scientific discoveries of the late 19th century gave rise to science-based innovations (Edison, Bell, Marconi).Major companies (IBM, Sony, Bell, Kodak, GM) built their own research labs.Public sector labs made important agricultural and environmental discoveries. Even now practitioners are important innovators. Various Types of Innovators In the past most innovations were introduced by practitioners. Inventors, investors, and researchers put effort into solving burning problems, and that leads to innovations.Labor shortages led to mechanized equipment.Drought conditions led to improved irrigation.Energy crises led to higher efficiency cars.Farmers’ cooperatives were established during periods of excessive low farm prices.Environmental regulations trigger cleaner technologies.A tax on carbon will lead to improved stoves and power plants. Induced Innovations Innovations respond to need and economic conditions. small farmers’ versions of a machinery.The establishment of an innovative capability starts with a buildup of capacity to support and adopt innovations and new technologies. The value of an innovation depends on socio-economic,climatic, and ecological specifics.Important innovative activities adapt technological solutions to specific conditions.Export of technologies across regions without adaptation may lead to negative environmental side effects and waste.A technology may have several versions to meet needs and capabilities of various users in a region, e.g., large vs. Technology Adaptation and Appropriateness Rarely is the same technological solution optimal everywhere. The innovation process, which leads to useful technology, requires: ResearchDevelopment (up-scaling, testing)Production MarketingUse Experience with a product results in feedback and leads to improved innovations. The Innovation Process An innovation starts as a concept that is refined and developed before application.Innovations may be inspired by reality. Types of innovations include:Mechanical-tractors, cars.Chemical-pesticides.Biological-seed varieties.Managerial-IPM, extra pay for work, overtime.Institutional-water users’ association, patents, banks, stock market, conservation districts, monks.It is useful to distinguish between process innovations (new biotechnology procedures) and product innovations (Bt cotton). What Are Innovations? Innovations are new ways to achieve tasks.

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Marketing & environmental leadership A leader may have to sell ideas, promote concepts, raise funds, recruit followers-which requires marketing.Frequently,Environmental issues are abstract and removed from the daily reality f most people- marketing environmental issues is a challenge. Obviously, people need to pay for their mistakes, but if the payment is too high, people will not be daring or take risks.Effective legal system is essential for positive entrepreneurship Entrepreneurs also need dedication and commitments and the capacity to overcome failure.Įntrepreneurship and society To encourage entrepreneurship, society should tolerate failure and give people a second chance. They need to understand how institutions work, and individuals react in order to introduce activities and products that serve peoples’ need and that are sustainable economically and politically. Requirements of Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurs need a keen eye to understand economic, social, and scientific realities and the capacity to understand evolutionary processes in the future. Excessive regulation, rigid hierarchy, lack of freedom, and excess control discourage entrepreneurship. The Godfather was an entrepreneur that misused his talent.Įntrepreneurs Can Be Encouraged and Promoted Openness to new ideas, freedom from investigation of operation, and promotion and pay based on merit encourage entrepreneurship. In business, academy, government and Ngos.Entrepreneurs are everywhere, in Wall street and the Sahel.Entrepreneurship can be used for good and evil. They become the champions of a new process, and they are engines of change.Entrepreneurship occurs in all areas of life. They are individuals who take a concept and convert it into a reality. Presentation Outline On entreprenuership and marketingThe innovation process Intellectual property rightsUniversity research and technology transferIntellectual property rights and developmentTechnology adoption and diffusionMarketing and adoptionĮntrepreneurship Entrepreneurs make things happen. Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship David ZilbermanDepartment of Agricultural and Resource EconomicsUniversity of California, Berkeley

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